December 15, 2021

Team Profile:
NZ Geothermal Updates

photo credit:
Margaret Low (GNS Science)

Aotearoa New Zealand’s energy scene is in a time of change, and we have compiled below some links to recent submissions to government plans by the New Zealand Geothermal Association (NZGA). We recently shared the NZGA submission on the Natural and Built Environments Act exposure draft, but there is much more going on.

In 2019, Parliament introduced the Zero Carbon Framework to manage transition to allow a low-emissions future under the Paris Agreement. This framework established Aotearoa’s 2050 emissions reduction targets and the Climate Change Commission (CCC). It set in place a requirement for Government to set emissions budgets (five-yearly stepping stones to 2050 targets) and emissions reduction plans, following advice from the Commission.

In March 2021, the NZGA prepared a submission on the Draft Advice prepared by the Climate Change Commission. Following revision, the CCC their presented final advice to Government in May 2021.

In November 2021, the Ministry for the Environment invited consultation on the first emissions reduction plan, which sets out the actions Aotearoa New Zealand will take to meet the first emissions budget. The NZGA submission on MfE’s Emissions Reduction Plan adds a geothermal voice to the consultation.

In October 2021, the NZGA also recently put forward a submission on Transpower’s Net Zero Grid Pathway Phase 1 to provide a geothermal voice to Transpower’s considerations. To support Aotearoa New Zealand’s pathway towards a low-carbon economy, Transpower sought consultation on its long-list of proposed investments in the electricity transmission grid. Part of this consultation considered the Central North Island and the Wairakei Ring transmission lines, including expansion on geothermal electricity supply.

Looking for more updates and data on Aotearoa New Zealand’s geothermal industry? Check out the NZGA news page for other submissions, and you can also download the 2020 NZGA Geothermal Power Review. This report examines power supply, carbon emissions, drilling and completions activity, and service sector activity.

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Governance & Regulation
Business Case & Opportunity


nz geothermal association (NZGA)
geothermal energy use
energy transformation

Further Updates

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